PATRICIA ACOSTA VARGAS is currently Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Alicante. She is a Certified Researcher by SENESCYT, Vice President ACM Quito-Ecuador Chapter, Director of the project “Evaluation of the quality of the websites of the Universities of Latin America” at the Universidad las Américas (UDLA). She collaborates as a reviewer of scientific articles for several journals and conferences. She has collaborated as Chair session in congresses. She teaches Digital Language at UDLA. She is a virtual facilitator of the Continuing Education Center of Escuela Politécnica Nacional of Ecuador. In recent years, she has been involved in web accessibility research. Collaborates in the telerehabilitation project for the CEDIA network. She has participated as a speaker in several conferences published in IEEE, ACM, and Springer. She has several publications indexed in Scopus and WOS. Her research interests are focused primarily on engineering, education, banking, health, social, government, web accessibility metrics and heuristics, and she is the author of more than 20 scientific articles. Currently, she is a member of the research group “Intelligent & Interactive Systems” at Universidad las Américas.
- Ph.D. en Informática, Universidad de Alicante, Líneas de investigación: Accesibilidad web, Desarrollo de heurísticas y métricas web, Inteligencia de negocios.
- Master Degree in Distance Education E-learning, Caribbean International Universities, (Willemstad-2013). Proyecto de grado: “Evaluación Del Desempeño En Ambientes Virtuales De Aprendizaje Aplicando La Evaluación De 360º”
- Magíster en Docencia en Instituciones de Educación Superior, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (2008). Graduación con “Honoris Suma Cum Laude”. Mejor Egresada. Tesis realizada: “Diseño de un Modelo de Aprendizaje Activo a través de la Implantación del Aula virtual en la Universidad de las Américas”
- Ingeniera en Sistemas de Computación e Informática, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (1997). Graduación con “Honoris Cum Laude. “Tesis realizada: “Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema Experto para Diagnóstico de Patologías Estomatológicas, basado en Lógica Difusa”
- Experta en Tecnología Educativa, FATLA
- Experta en Procesos E-learning, FATLA
- Experta en Medios digitales, FATLA
- Experta en Comercio Electrónico, FATLA
- Laureate Certificate Program in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Certificado Laureate en Educación de Adulto Trabajador
- Certificado Laureate en Educación Online, Híbrida y Blended